topological data中文什么意思

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  1. Optimization and experimentation for 3d topological data model based on component
  2. The very notion of natural - resource management depends on the availability of maps and the ability to overlay topological data with data layers referring to - among other things - geomorphological and hydrological processes
  3. The approach how to get the topological structure of electric devices in power distribution is researched . with the topological data some advanced applications such as display area of power user ' s or power failure are fulfilled in this chapter
  4. 3 . this thesis constructs the topological data structure to efficiently materialize some algorithms , such as construction of ordinary tin , limitation of contour lines , optimization of tin , processing of flat triangles and edge embedding of work areas , based on points , lines , and areas ( triangles )
  5. 8 . this thesis initiates the 8 - quadrant angle computing method . this method can rapidly recognize the adjacency relationship of all the edges linked with the same node and avoid the complicated computing of trigonometric function . furthermore , this method can rapidly construct the adjacency relationship of all the arcs linked with the same node , in the construction of topological data structure in gis , which is helpful to the rapid construction of topological structure


  1. topological complex 什么意思
  2. topological component 什么意思
  3. topological concept 什么意思
  4. topological constraint 什么意思
  5. topological convergence 什么意思
  6. topological defect 什么意思
  7. topological design 什么意思
  8. topological differential geometry 什么意思
  9. topological dime io 什么意思
  10. topological dimension 什么意思


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